Guilfest 2022, 7 days to go for this Great Music Festival!

What: Guilfest Musical Festival Event. A medium-sized festival that has run for many years, and is a family-friendly and popular event in London and the South-East. Find out more details at the Guilfest 2022 website.

Where: Hurtswood Polo Club, Guildford GU6 7SW.

Who: “Velvet Razor” the ultimate raw sleaze rock band is set to play a storming set a selection of hits from their respective albums “Hex” and “Stonehenge Welcomes Careful Drivers”
at(among other fabulous acts).

When: Saturday 16th July 2022 and the performance time is from 2:15 pm to 2:50 pm

Where specifically?
On the “The Big Mouth stage”.

On Arrival

Please arrive nice and early to sort out your tickets to get your wristbands.
Also, arrive early just in case the program gets shuffled about.

We, the band and our entourage are selling T-shirts and CDs in the Merch tent.
Come see Dave, Danny and James Neale at the merch tent from 3:30 pm to 3:45 pm to get them signed. Come get a selfie with Dave, the main troublemaker of Velvet Razor.

Guilfest On Saturday

Terry Nash – the Meatloaf Tribute is Headlining at the Big Mouth stage. Additionally, look out for “The Cream of Hendrix” An amazing Jimi Hendrix/Eric Clapton/Cream Tribute band.

Further, come see us, “Velvet Razor” sandwiched between the above and below musical dreadnoughts

Catch up with “Bitchin’ Hour” a very talented all-female outfit

Arch-nemesis of Sherlock Holmes, Professor Mick Moriarty is the stage compere.

On Sunday

The Headlining musicians at The Big Mouth Stage on Sunday: Republica

In addition, the wonderful Wurzels will be giving it some wellie and cider drinking, while extolling the virtues of a new combine harvesters.

Furthermore, check out “The Old Time Sailors” an amazing, beautifully chaotic collective of musicians and singers. See them dancing, weaving in and out and all around. From the stage down through to the audience and back again, while playing to an Irish jig. Nautical but nice!

Mick Moriarty Mick Moriarty is also the stage compere on Sunday as well.

Guilfest 2022
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